Leven met EB

Een blik binnen het leven van een EB-patientje en haar omgeving.

Van dagdagelijkse gewoonten tot multi-disciplinaire consultaties en taboes rond zeldzame ziekten.

maandag 18 april 2016

#‎ButterflyChildren‬ ‪#‎ButterflyPrincess‬
In many countries, Butterfly Children, especially fragile but brave, is a term often used to describe younger patients because their skin is as fragile as a butterfly’s wings. We use this metaphor to paint a positive picture of people with a serious fate…
Yesterday, off to daycare, dressed up as my own little „butterfly princes”. EB and carnaval costumes, certainly not a foregone conclusion. But with a little bit of imagination, a little bit af creativity and of course a little bit of magical pixie dust, everything is possible…

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